About the Jesse Mbogoma Foundation

Books and Involvement

This year he published two more books to concede with his 12th birthday. He now has a total of 12 books to date.Jesse is an ambassador for children hospital libraries ,he has since been reading books for recovering children in hospitals and donated books in the wards since he published his books. Jesse donated 100 books on Mandela’s 100years Celebration at Nelson Mandela Children Hospital, Little Company of Mary, Loreto School Queenwood, Little Graduates Schools and Mohau Children Hospital. Jesse also read books at Union buildings and at his former preschool marking 67 Mandela Minutes.

He enjoys sharing time with children and he is a founder of jessembogomafoundation. The organization soon to grow and encourage young children to tell their stories and share with the world both real life stories and imaginations, he believes children tell the best stories than adults. Jesse said children books should be written by children for children.

Interesting fact about Jesse is that when he grows up he would like to be a pediatrician at a book friendly hospital .His Dream is to see his books in children’s wards for recovering children and he believes reading has its own healing powers and children admitted in hospital may find some fantasies in his stories while recovering.

Getting in touch

Children are welcome to contact Jesse via whatsapp 0796838324 for ideas on reading, writing and illustrating their new books. Jesse is an upcoming entrepreneur who sells smart snack each week on Fridays at his former school to raise funds for his organization. His life is busy but almost every day he finds time to draw and write something about his drawings. He loves to read and at school he spends his free time in the media centre reading a book.

Jesse now has a series of books and his books have interesting stories and morals to live by, some fun tasks too to ignite the reader’s think tank. Amoungst his new books is a book parents will love to read as well, it’s based on reality socio -economical situation translated into a fiction tale, to find out more check out Zombie Mayhem.

Watch the space for the 2020 there is more in store for you who wishes to write own stories. Enjoy Reading and remember. Readers Today, Leaders Tomorrow!

– Written By jecztribe, for jessembogomafoundation